This is the story of a man who was willing to lay down his life for his comrades. But the greater story is of one who actually died for his…
Learn about true forgiveness.
A village died for its country to achieve a victory in war. Christ died for us to achieve the greatest victory of all - the victory over death.
Lessons from a village which decided to quarantine itself during the bubonic plague epidemic to save surrounding towns.
The dawn chorus inspires thoughts of God's faithfulness.
If you want to know what the future holds, read the Bible!
An inspiring true story about a tribe that gave generously to help their enemies and how it illustrates the love of Jesus Christ for us.
An explanation and application of the term 'Hobson's choice' to the biggest choice we will ever make.
People have escaped from all sorts of situations, but there is one situation from which there is no escape!
How to have a new beginning which will last forever!